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Krishnamurti's Book of Life Daily Thoughts project

PROJECT BOL - Krishnamurti's Book of Life - T.P's PROMOTION


NEW, please, pay attention...A TreePad Calendar for this new year... -/- Una Agenda TreePad para este año...

Enjoy, your day planning, apointments, logs with J.Krishnamurti's reflection every day, on your desktop and for FREE! Make your daily plans, write your projects, don't forget any appointment, track your important dates and read a J. Krishnamurti's Book of Life reflection every day in every page of your own calendar! Download your special and free calendar for these years! Use them with multiplatform freeware editor TreePad Lite !





2012 2013 2014 2015 2016






Would you like to build your own BOL-Calendar?

You can customize this BOL-Calendar to give as a present for your friends, colleagues ...
You might like to see the perl code required to build these calendars... Perhaps, alter it a little to have another kind of TreePad file. Or perhaps, to add some 'extra data' into its pages.

Just download the perl code or the Win32 exe file to run it for yourself. You could change the messages - dates to your own locale - language. And, then, edit copies for all your family. Send them by email as a Christmas present.

This TreePad Lite freeware version only bears plain text. But if you could purchase a more advanced version you could even include photographs!

"...But, what could you get with only text..."

Let's see a description of the readymade BOL calendar

Here are some 'snapshots' of the 2011 BOL calendar:

First Page:

Nice ASCII-art - the title and the year are written with figglet font. You should use 'Courier New' to appreciate all this art.

You, finally, have some space to fill in your personal plans for this year.

You can write as much as you want! Erase all the text! Even add new blank pages. Build a phone book to keep at the last part of the agenda. Use your imagination!



A month page:

Lot of info, and space for your plans.

A calendar table, Zodiacal signs (the day that they change is marked) + moon's phases.


A day page:

Lot of info, and space.

The date could be copied to use with your notepad. It shows the number of day of the year that it represents. It may also point the phase of the moon that starts that day!

A place to write your duties, another to write your appointments and another to resume the day.

There is a small table to show the date that counts 30, 60, 90 and 120 days from the actual day.

An excerpt of this day's thought in J.Krishnamurti's Book of Life (see at http://kfa.org - purchase one book)-

Then, more space to add what ever you need to.



Build your own BOL calendar

You might not feel comfortable using the ready-made 2008 BOL calendar. Or you might want to customize it a little. So, why not building BOL calendars by yourself?

There are three packages to choose to download...

One is a Windows exe file, but you are not able to see - modify the code, just the locales at myLANGliters.pm (the messages read at the BOL calendar - see i18n, below)...

BOLtpCALexe autoinstal
(check it's MD5)

(check it's MD5)

this is a TreePad clone icon to use for the script - application that creates the BOL calendar :)

Notice, that you don't need to build the BOL calendar if you are not willing to change anything (year, text, locale settings, etc.)- Both files have the same content. The first pair auto-instals where you have placed the file. I will always try to publish the next two years pre-built at this site so you might not need these programs. (see at the top of this page).

The following are compressed files to use if you have perl installed in your system or if you want to see-modify the code. (GNU-LINUX always comes with a full working perl.) You might only have to download Date::Calc from CPAN (free) if you, still, don't have it installed.

Notice: that BOLtpCAL.zip is the only updated script. The others, should work fine but where not updated this year...
(check it's MD5)

this is a TreePad clone icon to use for the script - application that creates the BOL calendar :)

Notice, that you don't need to build the BOL calendar if you are not willing to change anything (year, text, locale settings, etc.)- I will always try to publish the next two years pre-built at this site. (see at the top of this page).

This is a similar version of the previous zipped package but compressed in another way and with the LINUX perl She-Bang, instead of the Windows' one.
(check it's MD5)

this is a TreePad clone icon to use for the script - application that creates the BOL calendar :)

Notice, that you don't need to build the BOL calendar if you are not willing to change anything (year, text, locale settings, etc.)- I will always try to publish the next two years pre-built at this site. (see at the top of this page).

This is NEW, please, pay attentionTranslating BOL Calendar

This calendar can be easily translated into any other language. Just make another myLANGliters.en and replace the .en (English) extension with the one that corresponds to the 2 letters ISO of your language. And find the Language number that Date::Calc suggests for your language (see it's perldoc or ask me). Then, feel free to change the messages written in the BOL calendar into your language.

Finally, try it copying the file with the extension .pm that would work with the script. You'll need the this is a TreePad clone icon to use for the script - application that creates the BOL calendar :)script (at least, the binary .exe file) to create your new i18n (internationalized) version of the BOL calendar.

If you succeed in getting a good translation, please, email me to add it with these packages!

Use these icons

These icons are mainly small pictures to use as icons with LINUX.
Their .ico versions are similar but cannot be shown here. So, right click to download them.
TreePad folders:
(an .ico file) (another)


(an .ico file) (another)this is a TreePad clone icon to use for the script - application that creates the BOL calendar :)this is a TreePad clone icon to use for the script - application that creates the BOL calendar :)

Please, visit the rest of this site (it's not so big)

Thank you for coming.
Participate in the Dialogue For Self Enquiry- another way of learning to speak your own mind loud!- click here!
Please, come back soon.
  • Any suggestions? click here
  • Want to try my JAVA E-book? click here (*de momento, solo en inglés)

  • Please, support this effort with some coins Support This Project
  • Or, submit your translations-ideas.

Go to the main page of this site

The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with
Krishnamurti[0060648791] (Buy it!)
Inspired by Krishnamurti's perception that
truth can be discovered by anyone,
and that all life is interconnected,
The Book of Life presents passages from
Krishnamurti's talks and writings on a
different theme for every week of the year,
with each topic developed over seven days.
The subjects embrace such far-ranging topics
as self-knowledge, desire, sorrow, death,
and meditation.
Publisher -HarperCollins
Author/Editor -J. Krishnamurti 388 pp -

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